Aladin transfer utility for Linux

Uwatec's Aladin range of dive computers have the ability to store information about a dive and subsequently transfer it to a PC. The high price of the Uwatec serial port interface has encouraged the development of various home-brew interfaces.

Unfortunately, these do not replicate the features of Uwatec's MemoMouse product, and so will not work with the Windows version of DataTrak. The DOS version of DataTrak is unhindered in this respect but it refuses to load on PCs with a processor faster than about 500MHz.

Thanks to the information from ITO Hisashi, Matthias Heinrichs and others, it has been possible to write a utility which is able to update existing DataTrak .log files with new data arriving from the dive computer.

April 7th 2005: You can download version 1.2b and redistribute this source code under the Gnu GPL. I would welcome any bug reports or fixes.